Friday, April 14, 2006

Capmbell:Japan issue will be on the agenda of Bush-Hu summit

This is estimated by Kurt Campbell, CSIS senior vice president and scholar in Asian strategy, during a discussion reported in my previous posting.

doesn’t think Japan issue will be raised in a public setting, “the Japan issue will likely cause some concerns behind the scenes in this summit”.

It is no secrete that China counts solely on the Bush administration to improve sour ties with Japan, as China sees Japan, not only a close allies of Washington, but also a echoing bug. The key to stop Mr. Koizumi’s Yasukuni visit, is in the hands of Bush.

China’s such high hope undoubtedly put Bush in an award situation, As he wants Japan as a steadfast supporter and financier for wars on terror, but Bush also realizes that Japan is rapidly loosing ground in Asia to China.

also raises a point on rising of China’s soft power, partially thanks to declining of America’s soft power globally.

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