Tuesday, April 04, 2006

War of Words: Round II?

Since Mr. Hu voiced out his stand on Mr. Koizumi Yasukuni’s visit, both politicicans and businessman from Japan and China have spoke up about it.

Japan FM Aso Taro reiterated that it is hard to understand why Mr. Hu takes such a hard stand on this issue. (personally, I don't see why since both sides' stands on Yasukuni have been harsh and harsher for a while). China’s Foreign Minstry spokesman fought back, blaminig Japan's responsibility in last year's multi-city anti-Japan protests.

Mr. Kitashiiro, president of Japan Association of Corporate Executives, one of three most influential Japanese economic lobbying groups, voiced his disappointment towards Hu's speech. Mr. Kitashiro said, Hu’s speech “politize the Yasukuni visit issue, it is even harder for Japanese leaders to stop the visits”.

As one year anniversary of large scale anti-Japan protests is approaching, are we going to see another round escalation of such exchange of words? It certainly does no good to prevent another or even bigger protests from happening this year.

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