Tuesday, May 09, 2006

for Chinese Graudates:Job, Job, Job

Every May, when American college graudates are ready to pack up and head to wherever a job takes, most of their Chinese countparts still wait to get a job offer, and most likely they can't and won't get one.

According to a recent survery, 6o percent of Chinese students who graduate this year can't find a job in the second half of 2006. the reason, "The number of graduates will increase by 22 percent over the previous year to reach 4.13 million while the job market can only soak up 1.66 million new graduates, down 22 percent on the previous year", accroding a reported cited by Xinhua News Agency.

It is not unusual for a college graudate to find a warehouse job, or to work as a clerk for a "10 yuan" discount store. Even college students wonder why the road to a career gets narrower and narrower?

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