Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Japan’s growing Insularity

Robert Dujarric, a visiting research fellow at Japan Institute of International affairs, speaks at a discussion in Washington DC.

Japan, with more people traveling overseas, and more foreigners coming to study or work, is becoming more…, Isolated?

One example is its security issue, compared to its gigantic economy, security in Japan is “handicapped”. Japan’s foreign policy towards Korea and China makes it more isolated. And also a shortage of people who understand Korea and China also contributes to the problem.

Another example given by Mr. Dujarric, is Japan’s lack of confidence in relations with other countries, especially its most important one, with the United States. Japan heavily relies on “friends of Japan”, such as former deputy secretary of state Armitage. When Armitage exit from the Bush administration, it has caused concerns in Japanese side.

He also mentioned other facts such as less Japanese professors teach in the US or UK colleges. Mr. Dujarric proposed “Mansfield program” as a model to improve Japan’s internationalization process.

Visit Mr. Dujarric's Blog on Japan China Economic Relations.

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