Friday, September 08, 2006

Mao's anniversary, the day I can't forget

9/9/06 marks the 30th anniversary of Mao Zedong's death, however you think about Mao, he is a certainly a controversal person. (Xinhua)

What I remember about Mao is the day when he died. At 1976, I was a kinder garden student, when the news of his death came out, everyone cried out. Everyone around me, old or young, men or women, for real saddness or for fear of cost of not doing so.

The funeral day is dark, rainy and gloomy. Our kids were arranged to line up along the streets, actually every walkable person was there, with a traditional mourning black banner on their arms, cried along with live broadcasting of the funeral held in Beijing. To me, There seemed to be a competition of crying going on, several person, who cried out so loud that they fainted and had to be carried away, and then more people fell to the ground.

That took place at a small mountain village where my family resided. Now I realize that the same scene must had taken place everywhere in China on that day. For me, that day was unforgetable.

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