Monday, September 18, 2006

Mooncake War heats up

Moon festival is not here until Oct. 6, which is 20 days away, however, a war has been undergoing in China.

In Shanghai, a city wellkown for being Chinese captial of sweats, has launched a kind of mooncakes that is not sweat at all, it is not even edible, a set of four gold mooncakes, each is carefully put in a cystal stand.

I find it is find to image a mooncake that is not to please you taste buds, however, I am not surprised that today's mooncake is not yesterday's moonkcake any more, when I was little, a moonkcake filled with cystal sugar cubes, with a price of 0.5 yuan(less than 10 cents), meant a joy of enjoying a full, harvest autumn moon and the cake, however, today, fewer are fond of eating the cakes any more, whatever you put into the cake, nuts, eggs, dates, won't cause any excitement, so, why not just make a gold mooncake?

Mooncake has changed, so has China.

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