Monday, December 18, 2006

China Japan to study History together

China and Japan open the door to study history together, a meeting is schedule to be held on Dec. 26-27, and then twice a year thereafter. The final result of the study will be due in the middle of year 2008. (Asahi Shimbun)

Japanese side of the team hopes to focus on not only before and during the WWII, but also after the Second World War, when Japan was converted into a democracy by the U.S. and successfully launched into a modern industrial nation. Japanese scholars also want China to be more aware of the Japan's contributions to China's economy, as a form of ODA Yen loan in 1980s and early 1990s.

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe also applauded for the joint study of history, he said it would be very "meaningful" work for scholars from both countries to study the history "under a quite environment".

See my previous post on Sino_Japan disputes on History.

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