Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Japanese Tourists Wanted

China use to be a popular destination for cash rich Japanese tourists, just a short 4 hour flight away, China is huge, with many kinds of varieties. However, since the anti-japan riots took place in April, 2005, in which the strong sentiments against Japan clearly stunned many Japanese. On top of that, Japanese people is not known for risk taking, a hostile China is just too much a hassle for many Japanese senior/retired people, who consists of majority of tourists to China each year.

With the spring is coming, ices between Tokyo and Beijing is also melting away, many see a certain surge of tourists to China from Japan。 According to Xinhua's this story, Sun Yulong, mayor of city of Dunhuang(敦煌), where a World Heritage listed fiasco is located is one of the people. Mr. Sun is in Tokyo to promote his city to Japanese's tour industry.

Maybe after the icy politics is melting away, the spring will come to tour industry, too?

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