Thursday, February 08, 2007

Letters from Iwajima to be returned, 60 yrs later

The past weekend I went to see the Letters from Iwajima, a movie by Clint Eastwood and I profiled here. I had to say that it worths every minute I spent at the theater.

Just when I was convinced that the letters are things of past, I came across a news today and it seems the war of 60 years ago still haunted people.

A U.S. marine solider who fought in the Iwajiam during the War, came forward from his home in New York State, and said he wanted to return about 100 letters from the island that he picked up during the fight. At age of 80, then 18 year old ヴィックヴォーゲ リン joined the fight in Iwajima. As every one here, he picked up the letters written by a Japanese soldier named Tadashi Matsumoto as souvenir.

After he saw the movie, Mr. ヴォーゲリンdecided to look for and meet Mr. Matsumoto's relatives and return these letters to them.

After hearing the news, Matsumoto's brother, living in Kobe, Japan and also at his age of 80, expressed his thanks to the American marines, and he wanted to meet the American, too.

Check out these News Clips from here(American returning the letterers) and here (Japanese look forward to receiving letters from Iwajima). (TBS)

What's a War drama, spanning 60 years!

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