Friday, March 09, 2007

Comfort women makes Japan More uncomfortable

Japan's PM Shinzo Abe's stance over comfort women issue continues to cause protest, this time from the U.S. The New York Times put stories and photos of survived comfort women on its first page, titled Denial Reopens Wounds of Japan’s Ex-Sex Slaves. In a separate editorial article, No Comfort, New York Times asks in the first paragraph, "What part of “Japanese Army sex slaves” does Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, have so much trouble understanding and apologizing for?"

Also a news related to the World War two, a journal written by Emperor Showa's chief servant was discovered in Japan. The journal disclosed that the Emperor was really not into the War with China, in fear of possible clash with Soviet Union. It also revealed that the Emperor thought when the war started, it wouldn't be easy to take over China.
「支那事変はやり度(た)くなかった。それはソヴィエトが怖いからである」、「自分の得て居る情報では、始めれば支那は容易のことでは行かぬ」 (TBS)

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