Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Paulson on China, Kyuma to address Heritage foundation

Here is the what's going on in DC for May 2nd, 2007.

9 a.m. -- (CHINA/DEVELOPMENT/PAULSON) CONFERENCE -- The Peterson Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) sponsors a conference on "China Balance Sheet in 2007 and Beyond," featuring the release of eight new papers on central aspects of China's role in the world economy and relationships between China and the U.S., including both economic and political dimensions.


9 a.m.: Former deputy secretary of state Robert Zoellick speaks.

11 a.m.: Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson speaks.

4:15 p.m.: Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Office Craig Mundie speaks.

Location: 1750 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Contact: Katharine Keenan, 202-454-1334

3 p.m. -- (US-JAPAN/KYUMA) SPEECH -- Japanese Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma discusses "A New Perspective for the Future of the Japan-U.S. Security Relationship," in a speech to The Heritage Foundation.

Location: Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Lehrman Auditorium

Contact: 202-675-1752

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