Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A record number of people visited Shrines this New Year

Shanghai Commodity exchange starts trading gold futures, and it once went up 1o% in the first day.

To meet demand of watching Beijing Olympics games, NEC and Toshiba are developing Laptop computers that can receive digital TV singnals and record up to 109 hours program.

A Chinese woman who is a suspect of killing her Japanese husband is arrested again in Japan.

A Japanese diplomat in Beijing was tipped off to be a customer of a massage parlor by Chinese police.

Tokyo governor and a China critic, Shintaro Ishihara received an invitation to Bejing Olympics.

This New Year, more people than ever visited Shrines. to be exact, 98 million people prayed in one of the shrine. A better year ahead? The most popular shrines are Meiji in Tokyo and Kawasaki Taishi in awasaki.

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