Monday, February 18, 2008

Cows and Fish fillets, Make me Want to be a Vegetarian

A distributing video show circulates between Japan and the U.S., strange enough, in which a slaughter house in Southern California uses handheld electric bar to force old and weak cows to stand up, and uses forklift to lift them to slaughter stations. I first found it from Japan's TBS news website a few weeks ago, now the video has made rounds and rounds, and it makes such a wave that USDA makes a largest recall of beef in American history. I wonder how many people will be further turn off by the inhuman treatment to the so-called "hamburger cows" and turn into a vegetarian, and how Japanese will even take pride in their Kobe beef and turn back on Kansans beef? Take a look at the video and Japanese news here.

Japan finds more products contains pesticides from China, this time in fish fillets.

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