Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dumplings, Dumplings, more dumplings

A mouthful of dumplings, besides millions and millions of Chinese are enjoying their dumplings with families, China and Japan's inspectors are exchanging their difference on where the poisonous dumplings are from. Chinese said, it is man made and someone outside China did it, aiming to damage Sino-Japan Relations. Japanese side kept it quite and only saying it is still under investigation.

Poisonous Dumplings not only hurt Chinese, two Japanese companies had to cancel their Merge agreement because of it.

Chinese also more than dumplings to worry about their reputation in Japan, One Japanese importer of Chinese made Bed has to repair all beds because of a death caused by remote control malfunction.

While Chinese made dumplings made the Japanese national news round and round, most Chinese seemed not knowing about it at all, and they are not worried about their dumplings, either.

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