Friday, July 18, 2008

Olympics turn woods into enemies

A mass protest and clash break out in Guangdong province, China, a new wave of social unrest just days before the Olympics to be opened raise questions about effectiveness of Beijing's control over local unrests.

Parents of the students who died buried in collapsed buildings in Sichuan Earthquake agreed to be payed 60,000 yuans ($8000 dollars) to settle the dispute with the government.

为奥运草木皆兵?(Olympics turn woods into enemies?)
Beijing Capital Airport will be closed during the Opening ceremony on August 8

Beijing and Tokyo definitely get hotter by day -- China and Japan will have another leader summit, just days after they met in Hokkaido, this time at the Olympics Opening in Beijing, when Fukuda will attend and possible meet Hu Jintao to discuss recent development in Six-party talks.

At the same time, Washington is also gearing up to Asia. Not only Bush will attend Beijing's coming out party celebration, and Condi Rice will follow up to attend the closing ceremony, but Rice will also attend the Six-party foreign minister meet in Singapore at the end of July.

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