Tuesday, August 12, 2008

what's wrong with the Olympics?

Taiwan President Ma Yingjiu travels to Lantin American vie the U.S., he said he wouldn't do anything that may anger China.

As peace returns to Georgia and Russia, everyone wonders how far a full blown war will break out, considering Russia assert s its oil money supercharged muscle and China as the undoubtedly superpower already considering its gold medal sweeping this week in Beijng.

9-year girl lip-sync at the opening ceremony, the spectacular fire works of giant food ended up being a piece of computer graphic work.
What's wrong with the Beijing Olympics? Is it just started?

Japan's economy, the second largest in the world, shrinks 0.6 percent in the first quarter from April to June.

Just when foreign tourists flood Beijing this week, they are asking, where are the Yaoming shirts, Liu Xiang mugs?

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