Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Horror in a New Year

Happy New Year!

A 4 year girl was found dead and her body was separated in Guangzhou, China. An unemployed man in his 30s was arrested for the murder, and the police is investigating further on other related missing children cases. It could lead to a serial child eating criminal. (Yomiuri News)

A new dispute is going on between Japan and China regarding East China Sea's gas reserve, China is developing one of the four in dispute, and it has stirred up protest from Tokyo. (Yomiuri News)

The Pingpong Diplomacy's 30th birthday, Beijing is hosting a competition to celebrate relationship with the U.S. in January 1, 1979. (Xinhua News)

China publish a Microsoft software piracy criminal with 6.6 years sentence. (Asahi News)

China's People's Daily reports that over 2.1 billion yuan in bribery has been reported by various levels of officers, and the number of these who didn't report could be much higher. (Asahi News)

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