Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nanjing! Nanjing! Japan Missing To Dissing?

Chinese movie about the Nanjing Massacre-Nanjing! Nanjing May 23 was shown in Shanghai, and over 250 Japanese students and employees were invited to attend and voice their opinions afterward. 47 percent of Japanese participants felt the movie will be a hard sell in Japan,and one female Japanese said she was not sure how much truth to the movie.
(Asahi News)

Lawyer John Roos was reported to be the Obama's ambassador to Tokyo, the news has stirred up a short wave across Japanese politics. LDP OB Yamazaki Taku told TBS that the Roos has no Japanese experience nor Northeest Asian security past. One Japanese blogger called it a Japan Dissing, dubble from Japan Bassing, Japan Passing, Japan Missing. (Yomiuri News)

Japan becomes the fourth most Flu cases in the world, after Mexico, U.S., Canada. (Yomiuri News )
I wonder doese that mean Japan is too close to the U.S., physically and psychologically?

Chinese will send personel to the Moon around 2025-2030. (Mainichi News)

Wang Dan, the June Forth Tiananmen student leader criticized Japan for being half-hearted when comes to support democratic movement in China. (Mainichi News)

China proposes a Free Trade Agreement among Beijing, Tokyo and Souel. (Mainichi News)

Beijing asks UN to consider a sea shelf development zone between China and Japan, could lead to new conflicts between the two energy craving countries. (Mainichi News)

THAT's this week's China Japan News.

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