Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sleepy driving or tailgating?

Tired, sleepy when you drive? Get too close to the car in front without noticing? Want to do something to stop tailgating?

Nissan has an answer for you, a system to slow gas petal automatically, and alarm the driver to pay attention when two cars driving too close to each other.

Suicide club in operation again

Today, three males and one females were found dead inside a car, parked at a parking lot in Shizioka. Just like most other group suicides, members are mixed with both man and woman, with an artificial coal burner inside the car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While it is rather cool that a car can do all these things, it won't save us from accidents. If you are so tired, you should pull over and rest. It also won't prevent the driver from multi-tasking: ie. talking on the cell phone, listening to the radio, putting on make up etc that often cause accidents. It would be nice if they came up with a device that prevented bad driving and bad drivers.

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