Monday, March 20, 2006

Wal-mart effect in Car Mart

Can you image yourself driving this Chinese made cars sometime next year? At least it is one man’s dream.

Malcolm Bricklin, described in Washington Post article as a visionary and an impractical dreamer, but also credited with helping Subaru and Yogoslavia made Yugo to American market. While you see Subaru everywhere, but certainly not Yugo, a failed flop for Mr. Bricklin.

The plan is by 2007 to have 250 dealers to sell 25,000 Chery (奇瑞) cars, a compact car made in Wuhu, Anhui, China. While price may not be as big as a problem as servicing, Mr. Bricklin, not surprisingly, also plans to have Wal-marts as the auto parts centers for the Chevry cars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just as I won't drive a KIA I won't drive a Chinese car until I know that it is well manufactured. When I spoke with a U.S. car maker in China, they had their car imported instead of driving a locally manufactured car. That should tell one something. This I will wait on the Chinese car until it makes the Consumer Guides top car list.

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